Even though I am officially Therapy Dog Certified, I find that I am learning new things about caring for humans every day — along with the many objects and smells that are in people’s homes! Take for instance my last visit with my friend Fran. As soon as I walked into her home, I started smelling all the wonderful smells and my nose started leading me around the house! Also, I think I looked a bit spastic at the beginning of the visit when I was skidding across the slick floor. Once I got a good paw grip, though, I was ok, but I was much happier once I found the carpet! This is all new for me and I just want to make a good impression.
When I entered the living room, I came across the strangest thing. I saw my friend Fran, but she was sitting on this very large black machine that was moving around. It was scary, and I was convinced that it was following me! I went back-and-forth about whether it was safe, but when I saw that Fran had a big smile on her face I figured I would be ok. I did give it a good sniff just in case to make sure it wasn’t going to come after me. I’ll be honest and say that I am still a bit unsure about these moving “wheelchair” machines, but as long as they don’t chase me around I’ll be alright!
My favorite part of the visit was all the love Fran sent my way through plenty of cuddles and ear scratches. She even let me clean up a bit in her kitchen — those bread crumbs were the perfect mid-morning snack! I really can’t wait to see Fran again and practice my pet therapy skills so I can keep bringing joy and comfort to dog’s best friends.