
Cypress Leader Speaks at NAHC Annual Meeting

As Cypress HomeCare Solutions strives to be the world’s best home care agency and be recognized as the industry standard, we actively find opportunities to learn and grow, and also showcase our knowledge and expertise in the home care field along the way. In this spirit, our leaders are attending the National Association of Home […]
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Traveling with Alzheimer’s

Summer vacations may be a few months behind us, but travel will be ramping up in the next couple months as we start to celebrate the holidays with visits to family, friends and loved ones. For our aging loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, visiting friends and family can be a difficult task, causing […]
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Tools to Prevent Caregiver Depression

Caring for an aging loved one can be one of the greatest and most rewarding experiences in a person’s life. However, caregiving can also bring challenges that affect a caregiver’s mental health and wellbeing. In recognition of Mental Illness Awareness Week, here are some ways you can combat the onset of depression while maintaining your […]
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Voting Options for Seniors

Election Day is right around the corner (November 6), and with Arizona voter registration due in just one week (October 9), we at Cypress HomeCare Solutions wanted to give you a few tips on how you can help your aging loved one register and vote. The first step is to register! You and your older loved […]
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Wearing Purple for Alzheimer’s Action Day

Cypress ladies in shades of purple, from left: Laurie Faulconbridge, Laurie Fox, Trish Spangler, Chris Willis, Erin Ditto, Coral Garcia and Meghan Almaas Today is Alzheimer’s Action Day! Not only are we showing our support in the Cypress HomeCare Solutions office by wearing purple, we are also taking a moment to recognize the 5.4 million […]
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The Benefits of Staying Active for Aging Adults

Knowing that exercise is good for our health is a no-brainer — after all, studies have shown that regular activity can lead to improvements in blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s and dementia. For our aging population, physical activity and exercise can take on an even greater meaning by potentially extending an older person’s […]
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The Meaning of Labor Day

Thirteen decades have passed since the first Labor Day celebration in America, and so much has changed in the way our country recognizes this day. In 1882, Labor Day featured street parades highlighting the strength of the American worker and festivals for the enjoyment of workers and their families. Today, this day is still marked […]
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Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day

Today marks National Senior Citizens Day, a day proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to recognize and celebrate the history, achievements and contributions of our older Americans. At Cypress HomeCare Solutions, August 21st is a time for us to “pause” and celebrate the lives of our aging adult clients. We are fortunate to be […]
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Cypress Managing Partner Recognized as a Top Leader

In the June 2012 issue of CARING magazine, Bob Roth, Cypress HomeCare Solutions’ Managing Partner, was recognized as a top leader in the home care industry. As an industry resource, CARING reaches nearly 40,000 home care, home health and hospice companies throughout the United States and the world. In an effort to provide value to […]
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Cypress Introduces Newest Team Member

Cypress HomeCare Solutions recently welcomed a new addition to our team — meet Chris Willis: social worker, educator, leader and marketer extraordinaire. Chris brings over 20 years experience in the healthcare field, spending the last 12 years in hospice and palliative care services. In her role as Client Services Representative, Chris is using her extensive […]
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