
The Race is On, and Banner is Leading the Way

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Did you know that the leading Alzheimer’s research institute is right in our own Arizona backyard? And that our team at Cypress HomeCare Solutions is supporting their goals?

That’s right – the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute (BAI), located in Phoenix, is on the cutting edge with research and providing family and caregiver support in an effort to eradicate America’s sixth leading cause of death. For Cypress, Alzheimer’s hits close to home and we are excited to help with this cause.

Dr. Eric Reiman, Chief Executive Officer for Banner Research and Executive Director for BAI, has stated that “We have an urgent and remarkable mission — to end Alzheimer’s before another generation is lost.” This statement not only reflects the mission of BAI, but truly that of our entire current generation. It is estimated that 5.4 million people in America suffer from Alzheimer’s, with an anticipated 100 million people affected worldwide in the years to come. For Cypress alone, close to 50% of our clients suffer from various forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, and the numbers continue to grow.

With the stakes high for all of us, Cypress is committed to helping find a cure. Our Client Services Representative and Care Coordinator Laurie Fox has been volunteering as a Memory Trainer for BAI since 2010. Four times per year, Laurie conducts a free four-week, two hours per week program educating members in our community without dementia on ways to better maintain memory skills. In all, Laurie has taught over 1,000 people in the Phoenix community through her volunteerism.

Our Managing Partner Bob Roth is also involved with BAI.  A member of the BAI board since 2009, Bob was recently spotlighted  in FRIENDS magazine, Banner Health Foundation’s semi-annual publication, for his work supporting the efforts of the Institute.

The needs of the Alzheimer’s patient and their family and caregivers are always at the forefront of BAI’s mission. Through an integrated team approach combined with educational programs and extensive support services, BAI has created a model of care that is becoming the standard nationwide. In addition to the resources BAI offers, they are paving the way in Alzheimer’s research. Last month marked a monumental milestone for BAI as they received funding from the National Institutes of Health to embark on a groundbreaking prevention trial in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Securing a partnership with the pharmaceutical company Genentech, BAI will work towards developing a vaccine against the disease.

This recent development places BAI one step closer to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s, and there are many ways you can help BAI in the fight against this disease.

  • Donate — BAI accepts personal and corporate gifts that assist in the funding of break-through clinical trials
  • Volunteer — Volunteers work directly with patients and families, and provide the much needed behind-the-scenes support; BAI asks for a 100 hour commitment over six months (four hours per week)
  • Clinical Trials — BAI conducts an average of 30 clinical trials at any given time, and is always looking for those affected by Alzheimer’s to participate in this research process
  • Host/Attend Events — These events raise funds that further BAI’s research and treatment efforts

As a community, let’s keep our next generation safe from this devastating disease and continue the fight against Alzheimer’s, together.

To learn more, visit and watch the video below.


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