
Get Outside!

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

As our bodies mature, it might be easier to feel more apathetic about how you look or what you wear, but spending a week in your pajamas can have negative effects on your mood and could start to lead to depression. Humans are a social bunch and there is something to be said for getting dressed, fixing your hair and seeing other faces.

This is the time of year that, as Arizonans, we get to enjoy mild weather and sunny skies. Along with the fresh air and exercise, Vitamin D is a benefit from the sun that can:

  • Regulate the immune system
  • Maintain body weight
  • Reduce the severity and frequency of asthma
  • Maintain healthy bones

However, we also know that our summers can force people inside as the temperatures creep past 100 degrees. Fortunately, mall walking is an excellent source of exercise and entertainment. Some of the benefits include*:

  • Out of the weather: Inside a climate controlled mall, walkers can dress comfortably and not worry about wind, rain, snow, ice, heat.
  • Away from the traffic: No intersections to cross, broken glass or bushes obstructing the path, auto fumes or rush hour.
  • Security: Walking with others and with mall security on duty.
  • Restrooms and water: always nearby in the mall.

Make sure you schedule some time with your friend or family member to get outside this spring while we can still enjoy it. If you are using respite care, ask specifically for your caregiver to make sure that your loved one gets showered, dressed and out and about this year. It will make a world of difference.

We’re here to help.

Call (602) 264-8009 or contact us to learn more about home care services.

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