
Did You Know? It’s Random Acts of Kindness Week

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Since 1995, an organization called the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Foundation has been spreading awareness and increasing engagement in kind actions all over the world. The RAK Foundation has designated this week as Random Acts of Kindness Week with a purpose of encouraging people to go above and beyond to make others feel special. The RAK Foundation lists a number of ideas on how to celebrate this week on their website, but at Cypress HomeCare Solutions we want to make one simple suggestion on how you can contribute to this movement.

This is a great time to recognize and celebrate the efforts of the Family Caregiver. Take inventory of your friends and family who are caring for a loved one and offer your help. Insist that they accept your offer. Thank them for going the extra mile to care for others and give them needed respite by filling in on some of their duties. Cooking a meal or tidying up around the house can seem like a simple act but really shows how much you value and care about this person. The hard work of these unsung heroes can often be forgotten — especially when a Family Caregiver finds themselves caring for someone who is sick, elderly or just challenged with doing the simplest of daily activities — and showing you care by lending a helping hand can mean the world. Most of all, make practicing kindness a daily act and don’t forget how much of a difference you can make in a person’s life.

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