
Tips for Traveling with Seniors

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

For many families, the idea of taking their aging loved one on vacation brings with it feelings of undue stress and worry. However, by taking the time to plan, traveling with a senior can be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

To get you off on the right foot, our homecare agency in Phoenix has listed some useful travel tips below:

Physician approval

Meet with your loved one’s healthcare professional in Phoenix to discuss travel plans and secure any prescription refills or required vaccinations before your departure. It’s also a good idea to ask the doctor to write up a medical history and medication overview of the senior, should a medical emergency arise while you’re traveling.

Keep senior’s mobility in mind

Balance your trip’s itinerary with equal parts activity and rest periods for the elderly. Try planning a day where activities match your senior’s mobility levels then, if need be, give them a rest period or day while the family enjoys more strenuous activities. Don’t be afraid to run your trip’s itinerary by your senior’s home care worker to make sure it matches your loved one’s abilities and restrictions.

Call ahead for dietary or ambulatory accommodations

Reach out to airlines and hotels regarding particular accommodations, such as reserving wheelchairs, special dietary needs and allowing assistive medical equipment.

Plan for weather

Websites like provide specialty apps for smartphones and tablets that allow you to keep abreast on current weather conditions in your area of travel.

Keep necessities on hand

Surprises may pop up during travel, but by keeping your carrying bag well-stocked with supplies you’ll create added assurance. Keep on hand things like water, snacks, medications, proper I.D., sunglasses, even compression stockings if your loved one will be sitting for long periods of time.

If a family member is in need of skilled nursing care or senior home care while you travel, contact Cypress HomeCare, a homecare agency in Phoenix, today for a free assessment. Give our homecare agency in Phoenix a call 602-264-8009 to learn more about affordable healthcare in Phoenix and the surrounding areas.



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