
Mental Health and Your Heart

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Research shows that loneliness can have devastating effects on older adults, with many seniors who suffer from loneliness or social isolation being more likely to have poor physical as well as mental health.

Social Interactions Matter

That’s not surprising. Given that humans are social creatures, there’s an inherent need to become a part of a group or to belong. Lack of these can lead to detrimental effects on a person’s health and well-being.

Companionship Helps

There is no better time than the present to find better ways to improve living conditions for your older loved ones. If you think your elderly parents are lonely or are starting to isolate themselves socially, it may be time to consider getting help.

Choosing Caregivers

Look for a reliable agency that provides in-home personal care. By hiring caregivers, you can provide your older loved ones with the companionship and care they need.

When you hire pros to provide companionship, you help stave off feelings of loneliness that may plague your loved ones. After all, you can’t be there all the time, especially if you have responsibilities at work and have your own family. No matter how frequent your visits are, when you step out the door, you’re going to be leaving them alone again. Knowing they have someone they could talk to can make it easier on you and them. By getting a companion, you can keep your loved ones from feeling terrible and lonely, and that has a positive effect on their brains. The less lonely they are, the better their mental health—and often by extension, their physical health—can be.

Other Services

When you look for in-home care providers, companionship is only one of the many services they offer. They can also run errands for your loved ones, tidy up the house, help your parents with grooming tasks, handle the meal preparation, do some light laundry, and more. If you want to make sure your parents can continue to live a dignified and independent lifestyle at home, a companion may be all they need.

Show You Care

There’s no better way to celebrate life than to show your love for the people in your life: providing them with the care they need is one way to express that and keep your loved ones emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy.

To learn more about in-home personal care, contact Cypress HomeCare Solutions today.

We’re here to help.

Call (602) 264-8009 or contact us to learn more about home care services.

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