
Stroke Awareness Month: What You Need to Know

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Increase your understanding of strokes and how it affects people’s lives every day. It’s Stroke Awareness Month and that gives you the chance to read up more about strokes. Knowing just a bit can help you save someone’s life—perhaps your own or that of a loved one.

Know the Warning Signs

About 800,000 strokes happen every year. Despite those numbers, a lot of people remain unaware of the signs. If you see any of these, though, then know that you can stop the stroke from happening by heading straight for the hospital.

  • Sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg (happens on only one side of the body)
  • Any confusion or trouble speaking or understanding
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
  • Bad headache
  • Sudden mobility problems, with the person unable to walk due to dizziness or loss of balance or coordination

Are You a Candidate?

If you are a smoker, have high cholesterol levels, and are obese or inactive, then you are at risk of getting a stroke. High-blood pressure, heart disease, a history of stroke and your age, gender, and genetic history can put you at risk of the condition as well.

What About Your Loved Ones?

If your parents have a hard time following a diet, don’t exercise, and have had heart disease or a stroke in the past, then they are susceptible to strokes. You can do something to put a stop to that, though. By hiring an in-home personal care professional, you can have someone to look after them and motivate them to exercise. A professional caregiver can also prepare their meals to ensure they follow—and stay—on the right diet and bring them to the hospital in case of signs of strokes.

What Happens if Your Loved One Has a Stroke?

If your loved one is recovering from a stroke, then start looking for a caregiver. If you have a full-time job or you live far away, then hiring a caregiver to look after your parent will give you the peace of mind you need. It can also lighten up your load. Even if you decide to be the main caregiver for your loved one, having a professional assist you can give you the time you need to rest and look after your own health.

Know more about how helpful a caregiver can be. Contact Cypress HomeCare Solutions for in-home personal care solutions or call (602) 264-8009.

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Call (602) 264-8009 or contact us to learn more about home care services.

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