
Social Wellness Month—Why Your Relationships Matter

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

July is social wellness month, a time dedicated to bringing awareness to the importance of relationships. Research shows that people with a strong social network live longer. Here’s how you can make your relationships better.

Social Wellness and Health

Isolation or having few social contacts has been proven to have negative and significant health implications. The risks associated with isolation are as dangerous as smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure. On the contrary, people with positive relationships are shown to respond better to stress. They have healthier endocrine systems, cardiovascular functioning, and immune systems.

Tips for Social Wellness

It’s especially important for older adults to have an awareness of their social wellness. Often, the focus is on physical health, and one might not even realize that their unhealthy social life is what’s causing reoccurring health issues. A healthy social life doesn’t necessarily mean being out-and-about all the time, or having more friends than you can remember. Quality always trumps quantity. The question is, how can we create quality relationships?

Bond Over Common Interests

The best way to create quality relationships is to find common ground. Forcing yourself to
participate in activities you dislike will only lead to more isolation. Activities you may enjoy doing
with others include painting, cooking, volunteering, exercising, or listening to live music.

Invite Friends Over

Individuals who struggle with isolation or are introverted can be reluctant to invite friends over. They may find hosting to be overwhelming. But hosting a friend or two doesn’t have to mean an extravagant dinner. It can be as simple as having coffee and cake with a good friend and discussing a book, or playing cards while munching on some popcorn.

Hire a Caregiver

Many are weary of their older loved ones being alone, even if the loved one is independent. Being able to rely on yourself doesn’t mean that spending most of your time alone is healthy. Caregivers not only make sure older adults are taken care of, but act as a companion. For caregiving services in Phoenix, contact Cypress HomeCare.

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