
Cataract Awareness Month

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Cataract Awareness Month was designed to create opportunities for conversations about what cataracts are and how they impact people. Once thought to be a condition only impacting seniors, cataracts are now known to afflict more than 25 million Americans – even children and teenagers!

Issues Caused by Cataracts

What makes living with cataracts so difficult? Cataracts are a progressive clouding of the lens of the eye which can eventually cause partial or complete blindness in the afflicted eye. Aside from the obvious difficulties in seeing things clearly, this can cause other issues that can severely impact a person’s quality of life.

Cataracts can lead to many complications:

  • Changes in color vision
  • Altered depth perception
  • Sensitivity to lights and resulting headaches during or after exposure
  • Double vision
  • The need for frequent changes in sun- or eyeglass prescriptions

All of these problems can make everyday tasks like driving, writing, using technology, or even navigating familiar surroundings in the home difficult to the point of impossibility. Without intervention or assistance, people who suffer from cataracts can find themselves on a slow path to isolation and the inability to perform even the most basic daily tasks.

Solutions for Living with Cataracts and Other Vision Impairments

Many people who suffer from cataracts opt for surgical removal. This type of surgery is generally safe and boasts a high effectiveness rate; most patients need only a few days to resume normal activity and a few weeks to feel totally recovered.

However, not everyone can have cataract surgery. If this is the case for you or your loved one, you may need modifications to your home or lifestyle that make life as a visually impaired adult easier. Such modifications may include the introduction of in-home personal care providers to your routine. These professionals can help you complete everyday tasks and continue to live a fulfilling,  life without straying from the comfort of living in your familiar surroundings.

For more information on how in-home personal care can make the difference for those suffering from cataracts and other vision problems, contact the Phoenix in-home care experts at Cypress HomeCare Solutions. We can help you or your loved one live the richer, fuller life you’re dreaming of – right in the comfort of your own home!

We’re here to help.

Call (602) 264-8009 or contact us to learn more about home care services.

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