
Helping Your Older Loved One Accept In-Home Care Services

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

In-home care services can be essential for older loved ones to ensure that they can remain in their homes without needing to worry about sacrificing the care that they need. In fact, according to Statista, most home care services are received by those over 65 with around 97% needing bathing assistance and 91% needing help getting in and out of bed. However, adjusting to and accepting the need for in-home care services can be tough sometimes. To help make the process easier for your loved one, here are things that you can do.

Be Considerate of Their Emotions

Humans can be naturally resistant to change, and it’s important to consider how your older loved one feels about needing in-home care services. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and think about how hard it can be to accept needing help after having lived independently for so long. This can be a huge thing to come to terms with. This makes it important to communicate with them and openly talk through the process with them every step of the way. Approach the subject from a place of compassion so that you can both validate their emotions while helping them to understand how in-home care can benefit them.

Discuss Their Fears

In some instances, a loved one may have certain fears about accepting in-home care services. One of the largest ones tends to be that home care is a step closer to needing to move to a full-time care facility. You can remedy this fear by helping them to understand how home care can actually prevent needing to leave their homes, and it can allow them to preserve their independence for much longer.

Let Them Have a Voice

If possible, you should try to get your loved one involved in choosing the options that are best for them, as opposed to doing it all yourself. This can include things like letting them pick their schedules and letting them be included during the interview process. Letting them participate in the process can help them feel more independent, and it can give them a chance to ask questions and get to know their potential caregiver so that they can feel more at ease.

Helping your older loved one accept the need for in-home care services can be tough, but it’s important not to give up. While they may be resistant at first, ultimately it can be the best decision to help preserve their independence and allow them to stay in their own home for longer. You just need to be patient and considerate of their feelings so that you both can work together to make the best decision possible.

We’re here to help.

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