Lacey's Blog

Lacey’s Blog: Getting Sirius about the Dog Days of Summer

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

Whew, I don’t know about you, but this summer heat is really getting to me! And when I heard it had to do with my species, I just had to sniff out the reason why.

People keep calling this time of the year the “dog days of summer.” I’m often told that my head is in the clouds, and I can finally say this has helped me figure out the dog days dilemma. It turns out “dog days” refers to my canine companion Sirius, who somehow got himself stuck in the sky as a sparkling star. Each July and August, Sirius chases the Sun as it rises and sets (no surprise, it is a bright shiny ball after all). And since this “conjunction” between Sirius and the Sun occurs during the hottest months, my human friends have dubbed the most sweltering and sizzling time of the year as the “dog days of summer.”

So, I guess it’s easy to blame the dog…but really, how much power does a humorless hound really have?

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