The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially hard on our elderly generations as they are more likely to develop severe cases of the virus with complications that could lead to hospitalization. This relationship increases with age. People in their 60s and 70s are at much greater risk than those in their 50s.
During this health crisis, seniors and their families have had to make difficult decisions about meeting their needs while minimizing their exposure to COVID-19. In-home personal care solutions offer many benefits to the elderly in need of assistance or companionship during the COVID-19 pandemic, while greatly minimizing the risk of exposure to the coronavirus. Here are three of them:
Aid Social Distancing
Nearly 70% of Americans turning 65 will need long-term care at some point. This care can help seniors in a variety of ways, from cleaning their homes to helping them remember to take medication to simply providing companionship.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, your loved one may be more wary than normal about accepting help with these kinds of tasks. In-home personal care solutions can help solve this problem. In-home care providers have been trained to take all of the necessary precautions to prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus to your elderly loved one. They can help seniors maintain social distancing while also ensuring their house is clean and they aren’t lonely.
Provide Social Support
In-home care providers offer a social connection that has been lost during the pandemic. Experts advise seniors to refrain from large gatherings, and many organizations have eliminated in-person services. Churches, senior centers, and recreation facilities have closed or limited their capacities, and many seniors are reluctant to go even when smaller gatherings are offered. Even families have been advised to eliminate or severely curtail in-person visits with their elderly loved ones.
Without social interaction, your loved one is more susceptible to dementia, depression, and mood swings. Blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and physical activity are adversely affected by loneliness and social isolation.
An in-home caregiver can provide a social outlet for the elderly that they are missing during the pandemic. Chatting with someone, even for a few minutes, will give your loved one something to look forward to each day while greatly minimizing their possible exposure to COVID-19.
Watch for Problems
During this pandemic, many routine medical check-ups have been canceled or put on hold for the time being. Whether it be routine preventative care like physical exams or important maintenance care like cancer screenings, seniors have stayed home rather than visiting doctors’ offices and clinics where they could potentially be exposed to the coronavirus.
While caregivers are not necessarily trained in medicine, they do look after your loved one and may be able to help you and your loved one decide whether a medical appointment is necessary. If your loved one develops a cough or a fever, a caregiver can help them seek medical attention. Without in-person attention, these symptoms might go unnoticed until they turn into something severe.
In-home personal care solutions provide important support to seniors in the best of circumstances. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the benefits are even more valuable. To learn more about our services and COVID-19 precautions, contact Cypress HomeCare Solutions today.