Radio Show

Navigating Healthcare with an Advocate by Your Side

Written by: Lauren Strait

The Need for Guidance

On the latest episode of the Health Futures radio show and podcast, host Bob Roth welcomed Maureen Calderwood, co-owner and co-founder of RN Health Advocates. Calderwood and her business partner Laura Nero started the company just nine months ago to fill a much-needed gap in elder care – providing skilled nurse advocacy and care coordination services.

For the full episode, CLICK HERE.

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Acting as the Quarterback

As Calderwood explained, the complexities of our healthcare system can quickly become overwhelming, especially for older adults juggling multiple specialists, medications, and treatment plans. Too often, crucial information and follow-up tasks fall through the cracks. An advocate like an RN Health Advocate can serve as the quarterback, ensuring nothing gets missed and the full healthcare team stays on the same page.

During appointments, an RN Health Advocate will take detailed notes, ask pertinent follow-up questions, reconcile medication lists, and outline next steps – providing families with a comprehensive summary to reference. They can also coordinate scheduling, transportation, in-home nursing care or equipment, and any other supportive services required.

A Tragic Consequence

The value of an advocate was poignantly underscored when Calderwood described a recent case involving a client whose altered mental state was initially dismissed as just a UTI. By persisting for further testing, the RN Health Advocates were able to get the patient properly diagnosed with a stroke and transferred to a better-equipped facility. Tragically, the delay meant the stroke progressed too far for effective treatment. However, the advocates could then ensure the patient received compassionate end-of-life care honoring their wishes.

Singularly Focused on the Client

As Calderwood emphasized, the nurse advocates’ sole focus is acting in their clients’ best interests – removing burdens from exhausted family members and ensuring no stones go unturned in pursuit of proper care. With our rapidly growing elder population, their services will only become more essential in the coming years.

Peace of Mind

Listeners walked away with a clear picture of how beneficial it can be to have a clinical expert like an RN Health Advocate proactively coordinating an older loved one’s care. Their advocacy can grant invaluable peace of mind during turbulent health journeys.

We’re here to help.

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