Bringing Virtual Nursing Care Into the Home
Radio Show

Bringing Virtual Nursing Care Into the Home

On a recent episode of Health Futures – Taking Stock in You Radio show, in collaboration with Money Radio 1510AM and 105.3FM., host Bob Roth interviewed Jenna Morgenstern Gaines, Co-Founder and CEO of Pocket RN. They discussed how Pocket RN is innovating home healthcare by providing virtual nursing support directly to patients and families. For the full […]
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Keeping Your Heart Healthy This Holiday Season
Radio Show

Keeping Your Heart Healthy This Holiday Season

The holiday season is often filled with joy, celebrations, and indulgences. However, it can also be a time of increased stress and unhealthy habits that can negatively impact heart health. In this blog post, we will explore tips for maintaining heart health during the holidays based on a radio show transcript with cardiologist Dr. Sudarone […]
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Discussing Movement Disorders on Health Futures Radio
Radio Show

Discussing Movement Disorders on Health Futures Radio

Last week, Bob Roth, host of the popular Health Futures Radio Show and podcast, interviewed Dr. David Sphrecher, a neurologist specializing in movement disorders at Banner Sun Health Research Institute. They had an in-depth discussion about conditions like Parkinson’s disease, Lewy body dementia, and more. In addition to the live show, Health Futures is available […]
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Homecare Solutions for the Growing Senior Population
Blog, Radio Show

Homecare Solutions for the Growing Senior Population

Cypress HomeCare Solutions proudly hosts the Health Futures – Taking Stock in You Radio show, in collaboration with Money Radio 1510AM and 105.3FM. Every week, this show presents listeners with invaluable insights from experts, guiding them towards a life that is not only longer but also healthier and more joyful. On the memorable day of Friday, December 8, 2023, we […]
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The Economic Impact of Arizona’s Growing Bioscience Industry
Radio Show

The Economic Impact of Arizona’s Growing Bioscience Industry

In a recent episode of the radio show Health Futures, Taking Stock in You, hosted by Bob Roth, the guest was Joan Koerber-Walker, CEO and President of the Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZ Bio). The discussion revolved around Arizona’s transformation into a prominent hub for bioscience companies over the past two decades. Here is where you […]
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Keeping Life Meaningful & Joyful While Aging Insights from Renowned Gerontology Expert Jisella Dolan

Keeping Life Meaningful & Joyful While Aging Insights from Renowned Gerontology Expert Jisella Dolan

On a recent episode of his popular radio show and podcast, Health Futures – Taking Stock in You, Managing Partner Bob Roth spoke with renowned aging and caregiving specialist, Jisella Dolan, about how we can enrich our quality of life as we grow older. For the full podcast episode, visit any of the following channels: […]
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Health Futures – Taking Stock in You: Navigating the Golden Years for a Healthier and Happier Life with Bob Roth

Health Futures – Taking Stock in You: Navigating the Golden Years for a Healthier and Happier Life with Bob Roth

Navigating the Path to Healthy Aging: A Guide with Health Futures – Taking Stock in You Radio Show and Podcast” In the dynamic landscape of health and wellness, finding a reliable compass for navigating the complexities of aging is a crucial pursuit. Enter Health Futures – Taking Stock in You, a transformative radio show and […]
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Could Intentional Communities Be the Future of Home Care for Older Adults?
Radio Show

Could Intentional Communities Be the Future of Home Care for Older Adults?

Host Bob Roth recently had the privilege of featuring renowned aging expert Howard Gleckman on his weekly radio show and podcast, Health Futures Taking Stock in You. Roth, the managing partner and co-founder of Cypress HomeCare Solutions, has hosted this program focused on aging issues in Arizona since 2014. You can find the podcast on […]
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Navigating Arizona Hospice Care: A Deep Dive with Lin Sue Flood and Bob Roth
Radio Show

Navigating Arizona Hospice Care: A Deep Dive with Lin Sue Flood and Bob Roth

Unlocking Valuable Insights into Family Caregiving, Grief Support, and Volunteer Opportunities In a recent episode of “Health Futures, Taking Stock in You,” Bob Roth, co-founder of Cypress Homecare Solutions, engaged in a compelling conversation with Lin Sue Flood, the director of community engagement at Hospice of the Valley. This insightful discussion, perfectly timed for National […]
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The Importance of the Red Cross – What You Need to Know
Radio Show

The Importance of the Red Cross – What You Need to Know

The American Red Cross provides critical services to communities across the country, especially when disaster strikes. A recent Money Radio show hosted by Bob Roth of Cypress HomeCare in Phoenix featured Edgar Leivo, CEO of the Red Cross Arizona/New Mexico region, to discuss the organization’s vital role. For the full episode, you can find it […]
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