
Health Tips for Female Caregivers

Thanks in part to our average life expectancy, women comprise the majority of family caregivers. Whether you are caring for a spouse, a parent, an adult child, or another loved one, it’s often the case that your own health needs take second fiddle to your loved one’s more urgent care requirements. And, if we’re honest, […]
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Help for Caregivers of Veterans

Veteran’s Day coincides with Family Caregiver Month. Let’s acknowledge servicemembers in our community who need care, alongside the caregivers who look out for them. Veterans who need care represent people of all ages. Some suffer injuries or illnesses from their time in the service, while others need care due to the effects of age-related injuries […]
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10 Qualities of Top Caregiver Support Programs

While there are many options and services that cater to caregivers, only the best will have a support program. In a report about caregiving for people with dementia released this fall by the AARP’s Public Policy Institute, they list 10 qualities that only the best programs will have: 1. Principles are aligned with person- and […]
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Family Caregivers Performing Medical Tasks

Being a caregiver for loved one is hard work. Family members often hesitate to hire help due to resistance from their relative, financial concerns, or worry about finding someone they can trust. Yet a caregiver might be necessary for many caregivers, who often lack the skills needed to perform medical caregiving tasks. Here are a few […]
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The Oral Systemic Connection

  This guest blog was generously provided by Dr. Jim Kelly Dentistry. Dr. Kelly has been practicing dentistry since 1983 and has had his own practice here in Phoenix since 2015. The oral cavity is the gateway to the rest of the human body. As goes the health and wellness of the teeth and gums, so […]
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5 Reasons to Change Attitudes About Aging

Aging is something that we all do. Yet the stigma around the aging process creates negativity, and can even diminish our esteem toward older adults. It can have real, detrimental effects on our health. Here are 5 reasons to change attitudes about aging: 1. Living longer is a good thing (we just have to prepare for […]
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Caring for a Spouse with Lewy Body Dementia

Christine Lee lives in New England in the home where she and Art raised their two children. Her writing has appeared on the Lewy Body Dementia Association caregiver stories blog. We appreciate her contribution to Cypress Home Care, and hope her story offers understanding and support. About 18 months ago, our world was rocked to […]
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Can Your Employer Help with Caregiving?

Employer provided caregiver benefits Caregiver benefits are growing in popularity as part of employer-provided benefits packages. In fact, according to recent research conducted by the Northeast Business Group with the AARP, caregiving is in the top 10 employee benefits that employers prioritize. Caregiving Benefit Packages The most caregiver-friendly employers seem to have a custom package […]
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A Caregiver’s Rights

As a caregiver, it’s important to remember to take some time for yourself and make sure your needs are met. To take care of someone else, you have to take care of yourself first. The danger of reiterating this so often is it begins to sound like a truism. You can hear the advice a […]
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Interview: How to Talk to a Person With Dementia

When a person you love suffers memory loss, it’s difficult to adjust. You might struggle to accept a new version of someone you’ve known for a long time, and feel a tremendous amount of guilt because you are struggling. If memory problems have caused you to become frustrated while your loved one becomes agitated, you’re […]
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