Lacey's Blog

Lacey’s Blog: Best In Show (of Affection)

Written by: Cypress HomeCare Solutions

For all those dog-lovers out there (and competitive types), the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is not just any puppy parade — it’s the Super Bowl for dog enthusiasts. In this dog show that is almost a millennium old (for dogs at least, 136 years for humans), my Labrador counterparts surprisingly have yet to win the prized Best In Show. The Labrador Retriever has been the most popular breed in the U.S. for 22 years, so what gives?

Some say it has to do with our friendliness and general desire for companionship — we aren’t “diva” enough. But I think our qualities are just as special, if not more! Therefore, in honor of my breed and in anticipation of the big award, I declare myself Best In Show (of Affection). Labradors, unite!


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