New Year’s Resolution: Quit Smoking

New Year’s Resolution: Quit Smoking

Smoking is a lifestyle habit that leads to life-threatening conditions. The American Cancer Society states that more than 42 million adults smoke, which points to a large number of people who continue to put their health and lives at risk. Smoking: Popular for Older People Everybody knows how unhealthy smoking is, but for many older […]
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Making Thanksgiving Easier for Your Older Loved Ones

Making Thanksgiving Easier for Your Older Loved Ones

Thanksgiving is time to celebrate being with our friends and family. Many, however, are anxious of the holidays as they worry about their older loved ones – will they be able to handle such a big event and all it entails? This Thanksgiving, Cypress HomeCare Solutions wants you to feel confident in taking care of […]
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How Caregiving Helps Older People with Diabetes

How Caregiving Helps Older People with Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health concerns among older people. With the number of diabetes diagnoses growing annually, older Americans are the most impacted. The condition requires careful and consistent monitoring, too, which only further complicates matters for older people who may have difficulty with this. Complications of Diabetes in Older People Diabetes […]
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The Heartbreaking Stats on Elder Abuse

The Heartbreaking Stats on Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is an all-too-common reality in the world of retirement and nursing homes. But did you know that even in private homes people are taking advantage of and abusing their aging loved ones every day in surprising numbers? Perhaps the most heartbreaking fact of all is that the majority of this abuse isn’t carried […]
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5 Signs of Breast Cancer

5 Signs of Breast Cancer

Of all breast cancer cases, 80% are diagnosed in women over 50 and 60% are found in women over 65. Women in their 30s have a 1-in-233 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer, while women in their 80s have a 1-in-8 chance. The average diagnosis is now at age 62. Therefore, it’s important that […]
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The Important Facts Regarding Elderly Fall Prevention

The Important Facts Regarding Elderly Fall Prevention

Accidental falls are the number one cause of death and injuries in elderly Americans, with about 33% of seniors suffering from a bad fall at least once a year. These incidents have led to more than 2 million visits to emergency rooms. With more and more elderly people choosing to age in place, that can […]
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4 Reasons Older Adults Should Try Yoga

4 Reasons Older Adults Should Try Yoga

Yoga is a type of workout that involves breath control, meditation, and body postures for health and relaxation. While it’s often depicted as a workout done by mostly young people, older adults can benefit from yoga greatly. September is National Yoga Month, and here are 4 reasons older adults should try yoga. Breathing Yoga focuses […]
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Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month was designed to create opportunities for conversations about what cataracts are and how they impact people. Once thought to be a condition only impacting seniors, cataracts are now known to afflict more than 25 million Americans – even children and teenagers! Issues Caused by Cataracts What makes living with cataracts so difficult? […]
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August is Foot Health Month

August is Foot Health Month

Your feet aren’t usually what you’re thinking of when you hear ‘health,’ unless you’re having problems with them. But foot health is important, and properly taking care of your feet can reduce pain in the future. Despite what you might think, sore feet aren’t normal. Socks Arizona is hot, and it’s tempting to not wear […]
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UV Safety Month

UV Safety Month

Raising awareness about important topics such as sun protection matters. With national health awareness campaigns on UV protection, a lot of families can learn information that can help them provide better care for their elderly loved ones, all while ensuring that they get the required amount of sunlight to be healthy. Sun Risks The sun […]
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