Sleep Hygiene for the Holidays

Sleep Hygiene for the Holidays

Thank you to Dr. Michael Breus for taking the time to share his expertise with us in a fun and festive way! Dr. Breus, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist and both a Diplomate of the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a Fellow of The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He was one of the […]
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How Necessary is Daily In-Home Alzheimer’s Care?

How Necessary is Daily In-Home Alzheimer’s Care?

The decision to care for an elderly loved one with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia comes with a host of new responsibilities. To make sure their loved one receives the range of services he or she needs, families turn to in-home services. Companion Services Juggling work and caregiving responsibilities mean you may never have enough time […]
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Family Caregivers – Working with You for Your Family

Family Caregivers – Working with You for Your Family

Taking care of an aging loved one means dealing with new responsibilities, many of which you may not be prepared for. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. If you find yourself unable to cope, hiring the services of a specialty home care agency can provide you with the level and kind of assistance you and your […]
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Alzheimer’s Care: Simple Tips for Daily Tasks

Alzheimer’s Care: Simple Tips for Daily Tasks

Being a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementias, takes dedication, patience, and the ability to roll with certain circumstances as they present themselves. It’s a complicated task to manage a complicated disease. Here’s how you can make the daily tasks involving Alzheimer’s care easier. Having Patience People with Alzheimer’s become tired […]
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The Importance of Self-Care

The Importance of Self-Care

  Marty Finley has been working with older adults in the Northwest Valley for more than 18 years. Her experience and background as a care manager and family care consultant for the Alzheimer’s Association have prepared her well to work with patients with dementia and their families. We’d like to thank Marty for taking the […]
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Cypress’ Director of Memory Care Programs featured in Home Care Association of Florida Magazine
Blog, Cypress in the News

Cypress’ Director of Memory Care Programs featured in Home Care Association of Florida Magazine

Michelle Cornelius, Director of Memory Care Programs at Cypress, has been working with people with dementia and their families for about 20 years. She understands exactly how the disease strains family relationships and more importantly, how to address these issues and support the family. Cornelius shares what care for family members and loved ones with […]
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Improving Short-Term Memory

Improving Short-Term Memory

Where are memories stored? When we recall a memory, we consider it a single thing like a day at the beach, or a concert. In actuality, a memory is a complex construction that is stored in many interrelated parts of the brain. Each part of the brain is responsible for storing different types of memory. […]
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The Value of Exercise

The Value of Exercise

Studies show that 50% of older adults living independently and 75-85% living in care facilities suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain doesn’t have to go unmanaged, though. Simple exercises, that can be done by anyone, are natural and healthy pain-management methods. Yoga Yoga is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline that involves breath control, simple […]
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What You Should Know About Breast Cancer Care

What You Should Know About Breast Cancer Care

When it comes to breast cancer, Phoenix patients and their families have to endure a lot. The treatment path is a long one and can involve surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Surgical recovery times and reactions to chemo and radiation treatments can mean extensive stays in the hospital, or at home in familiar surroundings with […]
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Signs of Depression in Older Adults

Signs of Depression in Older Adults

It’s estimated that depression will affect 6 million Americans who are 65 years and older. Unfortunately, only 10% will receive treatment. The reason behind this startling statistic is that signs of depression are often displayed differently in older adults. Missed Signs Older adults often normalize their depression as a part of aging. There are five […]
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